Rotaract Club of Madras Central

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Uniting Globally, Creating Change Locally, Empowering Communities

Certainly! Rotary International is a global network of 1.4 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers. Our vision is to create lasting change by uniting people across the globe, in our communities, and within ourselves. We believe in taking action to address the world’s most persistent issues, from promoting peace and fighting diseases to providing clean water, supporting education, and protecting the environment. As Rotarians, we are people of action, problem-solvers, opportunity-creators, and community-builders.Our mission is to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders

Community services
Professional services
International services
Club services

Rotary International

Stephanie A. Urchick

The 2024-25 President of Rotary International

  • Stephanie Urchick is a dedicated Rotarian who has served in various leadership roles within Rotary International.
  • Stephanie’s passion for languages and cultures extends beyond her native English.
  • As the 2024-25 Rotary International President-elect, Stephanie champions the Rotary Action Plan as a guide for clubs.


Community Services
-Community Service involves projects and activities that improve community life.

-Rotary clubs undertake initiatives such as park development, senior center support, scholarships, and more.

-The goal is to enhance the well-being of local communities.
Professional Services
-New Generations Service engages youths and young adults in leadership roles.

-Programs like Rotaract (ages 18-30) and Interact (ages 12-18) focus on youth development.

-Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) trains young people in leadership and citizenship.
International Services
-International Service expands Rotarians’ humanitarian work globally.

-It promotes understanding, peace, and goodwill among nations.

-Rotarians collaborate with international partners to support projects in other countries.
Club Services
-Club Service focuses on making Rotary clubs strong and vibrant..

-It involves strengthening relationships among club members, fostering fellowship, and ensuring effective club management.

-Social events, training, and hospitality contribute to genuine fellowship within the club.
District Rotaract Council 3234

Certainly! Rotary International is a global network of 1.4 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers. Our vision is to create lasting change by uniting people across the globe, in our communities, and within ourselves. We believe in taking action to address the world’s most persistent issues, from promoting peace and fighting diseases to providing clean water, supporting education, and protecting the environment. 

How to join Rotaract club

Rotary International, with its global network of 1.4 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers, stands as a beacon of hope. We envision a world where people unite, take action, and create positive transformations — not only across the globe but also within our local communities and within ourselves. Our commitment to solving real-world problems, promoting integrity, and advancing goodwill and peace drives us forward.

Four Way Test

  1. Is it the TRUTH?:

    • Before taking any action, consider whether it aligns with honesty and truthfulness.
    • Avoid spreading misinformation or engaging in deceitful behavior.
  2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?:

    • Evaluate whether your actions treat everyone fairly and impartially.
    • Strive for equity and justice in your interactions.
  3. Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS?:

    • Consider the impact of your actions on relationships and goodwill.
    • Aim to strengthen connections, foster understanding, and promote positive interactions.
  4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?:

    • Reflect on the overall impact of your decisions.
    • Seek outcomes that benefit not only yourself but also others and the community.

We are here to serve the society, Let's join hands for a better future.

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